Summer school 2023 in Caen/France
Offshore Renewables and Aquaculture
The OFFREN summer school is hosted every year at 'Builders for Socienty' in Caen, a highly ranked French engineering school. The course focusses on the design of an offshore wind farm and an offshore salmon farm. Students are receiving lectures by university lecturers (e.g. Delft University of Technology, Ghent University) and practitioners from the field (e.g. DEME, NOERD), will participate in excursions, perform hydraulic model tests, and produce a design report covering the requests from a detailed task assignment report.


The summer school runs over 4 weeks, typically from end of May to end of June. On the first day, students receive their tasks and an overall insight in the structure of the course. They split up in groups and start distributing their roles. The first two weeks are full of lectures about the topic, ranging from everything around ecosystems, design and engineering of offshore wind parks, aquaculture and fish farm design, supply chain, and business cases.
Every Monday, the student groups discuss with their supervisors where they stand and how to move on. Each week there is at least one excursion planned, either technical visits or touristic trips in the area.
From the third week onwards, lectures stop and students dive deep into their tasks. They are planning and conducting hydraulic model tests for their fish farm design, and starting to prepare their final report and presentations. On the Wednesday of the last week, students deliver their reports and defend it in front of a jury on Thursday afternoon. The last day is then reserved for the students to meet companies, either in form of a conference, a job fair, or an exhibition.
justASK! involvement
Due to a long-standing relationship with the school in Caen, justASK! is regularly performing teaching tasks, both during the regular courses and during the summer school. In collaboration with Builders for Society, the concept of the summer school was developed and initiated several years back. Ever since then, groups of students have developed different designs of wind farms and aquaculture farm at the North coast of France.
justASK! wishes all the students all the best for their future careers, hopefully in one of the rewarding sectors of renewables and offshore aquaculture.

What can justASK! do for you?
justASK! has a long-standing experience in lectures and summer schools. We can assist you in developing a summer school over several days or several weeks. We will suggest the modules for teaching, for practical work, for excursions, and for the assessment of the participants at the end. Together with our clients we can also look into the modules and specify them in more detail. If the topic of the summer school is within our expertise, we can also perform some of the modules.
justASK! follows the strategy to work with our clients. We will assist you in setting up and filling the whole period of the summer school with the necessary modules. We can also help with the management of the courses and/or providing the right management tools for it. And as said before, if there is any contents of any module which we can contribute to, we are more than happy to do so! JUST ASK!