Our key interest and expertise is on wind, both onshore and offshore. Let us talk about onshore wind first.
If you, however, would like to look into offshore wind immediately, here is your direct link.
Onshore wind
We provide services on onshore wind measurements and analysis, consumption analysis, and site assessments for small and mid-size wind turbines.

What does this mean in more detail. Let's have a look here below.
What is the idea behind wind energy in principle? And behind small- and mid-size wind in particular? How does wind convert into energy? How efficient is this and what are the key important points? Here are these points.
'Location is key' - when it comes to the site and the location of the wind turbine this sentence is more than true. We give more information about the 'Why' and the specifics of the location here.
Are wind measurements necessary? And if so, why is that? Where do you measure? And with what technology? How long have measurements to be? Find our answers here.
How do I get to know my consumption? How does that match the power of a wind turbine? Can I simulate the energy production of a wind turbine against the consumption I have on my site? Learn more here about the details.
So which turbine do we select? Which types are available? How will it be installed? And where? How is it connected to the grid? How do we know how much electricity it produces? Find some responses here.
So, what can I do with these measurements of wind and consumption? How do I bring this together? Are there still times when my wind turbine is not producing enough electricity? How often? Find some answers on this page.
Nothing without rules! Can I put a wind turbine in my backyard? Whom do I have to ask for permission? What do I need for this? And who can help me writing the proposal? Find some answers and advice here.
Not unimportant - or better - very important! What does it all cost? Do I 'earn' money by providing energy? To whom do I sell the energy? At which cost? Are there subsidies I could use? You will find some 'Flemish' answers here.
And finally, how does all this convert into a project? What comes first? How long does it take? Who brings all the bits and pieces together and when do I have my turbine producing energy in my backyard? Here is how this would work.
Offshore wind
Offshore wind means large wind. Large wind turbines, large projects, wind farms rather than single wind turbines. A production of energy for small cities rather than single households or small companies. However, the principle of wind, wind measurements, and energy conversion are the same. The extra difficulty comes from building in a hostile environment and more than single wind turbines. Please contact us for more information.