Progress towards Federated Logistics Through The
Integration Of TEN-T into A Global Trade Network

PLANET was a Horizon 2020 (H2020) project which started on 1 June 2020 and ran for three years until 31 May 2023. PLANET addressed the challenges of assessing the impact of emerging global trade corridors on the TEN-T network and ensuring effective integration of the European to the Global Network by focusing in two key R&D pillars:
- A Geo-economics approach, modelling and specifying the dynamics of new trade routes and their impacts on logistics infrastructure & operations, with specific reference to TEN-T;
- An EU-Global network enablement through disruptive concepts and technologies (IoT, Blockchain and PI, 5G, 3D printing, autonomous vehicles /automation, hyperloop) which can shape its future and address its shortcomings, aligned to the DTLF concept of a federated network of T&L platforms.
PLANET has established self-contained scenarios of possible future world states, derived from macroeconomic, geo-demographic and political intelligence. A hybrid qualitative/quantitative approach was used to create several medium-term scenarios in the field of global logistics and to assess the impact of logistics industry parameters and emerging industry innovations.


Three Living Labs (including the ports of Valencia, Rotterdam, etc.) contributed to the strategic analysis of global flows (based on the corridors where they are located), the analysis of corridor infrastructure issues, and the investigation of integration of the respective global corridor with the TEN-T. Furthermore, all LLs investigated innovative ways to coordinate complex supply chains through multimodal corridors involving private and public stakeholders.
Role of justASK!
The main contributions of justASK! were lying in Workpackage 5 which has dealt with dissemination, commercialisation, and policy recommendations. This included the organisation and management of the PLANET Advisory Board aiming at getting independent international logistics and trade experts around the table to discuss the methodology, results, and implementation of the project results. This work has resulted into two deliverables / reports which contributed to an improved contributions of project partners within but also outside and beyond the project's scope.

Further information
For more information, please visit the PLANET website and Official Video Presentation.