An Excel-based tool for data analysis has been released today. The DAATO tool is freely available here from the website (see link below). ‘DAATO’ stands for ‘DAta Analysis TOols’ and assists in analysing time series of coastal data. It is meant to work with data such as wind, water levels, tides, wave heights, and wave periods. It complements the CE~Cloud tool which was published earlier.
DAATO works with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) macros in the background and runs on all Windows systems where Microsoft Excel is installed. It will not run on Macbooks nor on tablets or smart phones due to the different Microsoft apps installed on these machines. Macros have to be accepted when opening the file.
The tool is built in a way that it can be extended and/or amended easily. Details about the tool can be found in the introduction sheet of the tool and the various help files it contains. Please find the download link on this page.
If you are interested to download the file, please follow this link.
CE~Cloud is an Excel 365 software which features a couple of design tools for coastal structures and is now available in its first version. It works with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) macros in the background and runs on all Windows systems where Microsoft Excel is installed. It will not run on Macbooks nor on... Continue reading→
The EU project PLATINA3 (Platform for the implementation of a future inland navigation action programme) officially terminated on 30/06/2023. PLATINA3 was a Horizon 2020 funded EU ‘Coordination and support action’ (CSA) which centred around inland navigation and waterways. It provided targeted coordination and support activities to promote Inland Waterways Transport (IWT) in Europe and was... Continue reading→
The ProDeich project (see details here) dealing with the safety assessment of sea dikes in Denmark has gone into a new round. Earlier this year, the Danish Coastal Authority (DCA), together with the Danish Meteorological Institure (DMI) has won a project improving the background knowledge the calculations performed in 2018 until 2020. The new project... Continue reading→
The research project PLANET (Progress towards Federated Logistics through the Integration of TEN-T into A Global Trade Network), funded by the European Commission, has been successfully finalised at the end of May 2023. PLANET was running over three years and addressed the challenges of assessing the impact of emerging global trade corridors on the TEN-T... Continue reading→
We have updated and published information about wind energy and services justASK! can provide. We are focussing on de-centralised mid-size and small wind, not large wind energy. Check it out here!
On 7 June 2023, a new version of the German small-wind market report has been published. The key characteristics of the report is that only recommended wind turbines are included. The report includes 67 small-wind turbines from 26 manufacturers and is available as PDF file. It includes 213 pages and more than 165 photos and... Continue reading→
justASK! has been invited again to manage the summer school “Offshore Renewables and Aquaculture”, taking place in Caen (Normandy / France) for four weeks from 30 May to 23 June 2023. The summer school is hosted again at ‘Builders for Socienty‘ in Caen, a highly ranked French engineering school. The course focusses on the design... Continue reading→
The CEF funded EU project FENIX (A European FEderated Network of Information eXchange in Logistics) has been finished after four years of research and implementation. 45 partners in Europe have worked on 11 implementation cases (so-called Pilot Sites) in 9 TEN-T corridors. FENIX was aiming to support the development, validation, and deployment of the digital... Continue reading→
End of December 2022, NREL has selected manufacturers of small- and mid-wind turbine technology for funding in 2022 until 2023. The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Competitiveness Improvement Project (CIP) is designed to reduce the cost of distributed wind energy and accelerate deployment of small- and medium-sized wind turbines across the United States. CIP commenced in... Continue reading→
Our website has received a new layout and – even more importantly – more contents. We have added projects and solutions from the recent pasts so that the website now is what it should serve for: a business card and showing what we are doing. By the way, the website is using WordPress which is... Continue reading→